Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 5, Saturday 29 June, 2013 2 hr 10 min, Total 9 Hr 3 min - Sides

Today I worked on the sides of the clock.

First the sections of the pattern are taped together.  The sides are longer than a 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper so they were printed out in two sections.  After the main plan was scanned into photo shop, I drew some alignment marks on the plans so that when the sections were printed out, I would have a way to align the sections, taping them together to produce a pattern that could be glued onto the wood.

Once the pattern is glued onto the wood, I use the drill press to drill all of the holes for the internal cuts that need to be made.  Below, the pattern has been glued on the wood, and all of the holes have been drilled for the internal cuts.

The next photo is a view through the lighted magnifying glass that I use when making cuts on the scroll saw.  here several of the internal cuts have been made.

below is another shot of the work piece.  I am in the process of making internal cuts.

All of the internal cuts have been completed.  At this point, I have to cut out the sides.

The sides have been cut out.  It is now time to remove the glue that was used to attach the pattern to the wood.

below, the eraser on the left (used on sanding disks and belts to clean them) was used to remove the glue that remained on the wood after attaching the pattern to the wood.  A heat gun was used to remove the pattern.

The next shot shows the parts that have been cut out.  The glue has been removed and the parts have been sanded.

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