Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 2, Thursday 6 June, 2013 1 hr 35 min, Total: 2 hrs 26 min

Was able to work a little longer and continued working on the back of the Worthington clock.

The above shot was taken through the lighted magnifying glass.  I use it all the time and it is the only way to cut.  Using the magnifying glass, you can cut on one edge or the other edge of the line, or right down the center of the line.

 Well, all the cuts are done.  Now it is time to remove the pattern that has been glued onto the birch plywood.  Remember from a previous post that only the paper was sprayed with glue.  That makes it a bit easier to get the pattern off.

Over the years, I have tried different methods to get the pattern off of the Baltic Birch plywood.  I would pull it off, try sanding it off, and any other method that I could think of.  Usually it was a pain in the butt.

 Well, one day; and I don't know why I tried this, I decided that I would get my heat gun out that I use to shrink "Monocoat" on radio controlled airplanes that I used to build, and try heating up the pattern and glue.

After the glue was heated, the pattern came right off.  Now it was really easy to get the pattern off the Birch plywood.  One problem remained, there is still a layer of glue on the Baltic birch plywood.  I thought about it for a minute and then tried using a Pro-Stik Abrasive Belt & Disc cleaner.

Using the Pro-Stik is just like using a giant eraser.  It took the film layer of glue right off of the wood.  Just use the pro-stik like an eraser, and rub it over the wood.

The glue rolls up into a ball and sticks to the Pro-stik.  You can pull the balls of glue off the end of the pro-stik when you are done.  The reason that I use the Pro-stik is so the glue does not gum up the disk sander.

After the glue film is removed from the plywood, I lightly sand the piece with some 120 grit sand paper.

And here is the final shot of the back piece for the Worthington scroll saw wall clock

Well, I am done with this piece for the night.  Tomorrow, I'll start on the next piece.

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